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Updates from Camp

Oxen: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 1)

first proper day of camp! i welcomed the morning by waking up in the field, surrounded my friends, both old and new. the arrival day was a little rough, with my luggage being lost, but it was back by morning and i was ready to begin my day   i got dressed with some of […]

Maya Rose: Arrival Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 0)

My family and I pulled into camp in our big Australian rental van, with colorful stripes down its side and the large, cheerful black letters greeting the circle of staffers in the grass with the German twang of AUTOBARN. I began laughing to myself in the front seat, thinking, well, that’s one way to arrive. […]

Sierra: : Staff Orientation, Camp Myrtlewood (Day -1)

August 2015 was my first blog post for NBTSC, and it was my very first day as a camper. I remember being overwhelmed with nervousness. I had grown up unschooled but decided to go to school through 7th-10th grade. I read The Teenage Liberation Handbook Sophomore year and was completely enamored. I wrote a whole […]

Bet: Staff Arrival Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day -2)

Because it’s fun, and because it reminds me of a book I read when I was ten in which a character did an acrostic at school (a type of writing where each letter of a phrase or word placed horizontally across the page also spells something out vertically down the page), you will find below […]

J. Davis: Departure Day; Camp Myrtlewood

Oh, Departure Day. Why does there have to be such a thing? And why does it have to be so busy that it seems impossible to have that last chat with everybody, get those last hugs and shenanigans in, and sign all the directories?   Of course we try to do all those things the […]

Kyson A: Closing Ceremony, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 13)

Hi i’m kyson I am blogging today and hope you don’t mind my ranting, ravey sort of writing style.   So today I spent the earlier parts of my day as any before it had gone. I woke up and ate breakfast, not a unique experience but one that would’ve been considerably more somber if […]

Will Suhrbur: Sleep-in Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 12)

We tried to collectively answer the burning question at our advisee meeting. Who am I? “Who I am is different. All the animals are collectively a party. Once I became something at midnight, and I didn’t forgive the animals. How did I dead the bird with sharp fangs.  Unfortunately, I haven’t ever eaten me another […]

Rhiannon: Prom Night, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 11)

I woke up in the field to Bet singing & playing ukulele, cold but feeling good, and glad I gave sleeping in the field another chance this session. I got to breakfast earlier than normal, but they were out of everything aside from tofu scramble, which was surprisingly good!? All through check-in I worked on […]

Aiden: Talent Show Night; Camp Myrtlewood (Day 10)

Hi, my name is Aiden Mooney. I’ve Been an unschooler my whole life and it’s my first year attending Not Back To School Camp (NBTSC). I’ve been hearing about NBTSC for years now and this was the year I finally decided to go, and I’m more than happy with the decision I made! NBTSC has […]

Jane: Art Show Night; Camp Myrtlewood (Day 9)

Hi, I’m Jane, I’m 16 and it’s my first year at NBTSC. So far it is such a fun experience. Today, day 9, my day started with wake-up call and breakfast with friends by the swings. Then at 10:15 we went to check-in and morning meeting. Then I had my advisee meeting, and my advisee […]
