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Updates from Camp

Chaya M: Trust Circle, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 7)

Last night I slept in the field again, something I have been doing every night this year. I love how many stars you can see when it’s clear out (including sometimes meteors!) and the pretty cloud patterns on other nights. In the morning I headed straight to the kitchen to chop vegetables and serve breakfast. […]

Natalie D: Field Trip Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 6)

yesterday was so much fun. I made a lot of nice memories. I sat on the bus with Bellasky and we reminisced Barbie songs and Barbie movies.   I think I was one of a couple who started the singalong bus this trip. Me and Bellasky started to sing riptide (cause everyone knows riptide…), we […]

Maya Rose B: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 5)

I am meant to write something here and the words arrive tangled in thorny brush. The Douglas fir at camp that we affectionately call the climbing tree is most difficult to climb for the first few branches, and then after that the spacing becomes even and the movements smooth out into each other. Beginning writing […]

Anon: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 4)

For Day 4 at camp, I joined a group and hiked to Vista Point. It was my first time on this hike, and though the journey was long and arduous, the view was absolutely worth it. Afterwards, we ate a glorious dinner in the lodge, and then enjoyed an amazing concert performed by campers and […]

Kiaya K: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 3)

Hello! I’m Kiaya, a third year. This is my second time writing a blog for camp! So for camp I have to get up a bit earlier than everyone else because my daily task is setting up the lodge for breakfast. We got it done in 12 minutes which is already much faster than yesterday. […]

Danny O: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 2)

On the night of day one, me and my platonic throuple spent the night in the field, which was surprisingly more comfortable then the cabins. We decided to get up half an hour before wakeup call to skip the lines for shower. We then headed to breakfast and had delicious pancakes. There were oranges and […]

Elijah B: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 1)

My name is Elijah and this is my birthday, the official day one of NBTSC, from my perspective   I woke up in a puddle of love, effortlessly flowing into my morning. My friend Leon to my left, Eddie to their left, and Zoe to my right. I slept in the field with them, the […]

Rob: Staff Arrival Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day -2)

Before camp starts each year, there are two days of Staff Orientation on site at Camp Myrtlewood, and some days before that, when the staff slowly trickle into Eugene by train, plane, or car to gather and reconnect. We do last minute prep and errands, work, play games, eat burritos…and then desserts (at Sweet Life […]
