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Danny O: Camp Myrtlewood (Day 2)

On the night of day one, me and my platonic throuple spent the night in the field, which was surprisingly more comfortable then the cabins. We decided to get up half an hour before wakeup call to skip the lines for shower. We then headed to breakfast and had delicious pancakes. There were oranges and peaches served, but we missed the peaches. Thankfully, later there was a peach crumble for dinner desert. After breakfast, I (Danny) headed to advisory where we played an in-depth round of hot seat.



We then decided to skip the first workshop period in favor of climbing a tree to the top and signed our names in the book at the top, aside from Leo who has a slight fear of heights. I climbed the tree two consecutive times to get a camera. After tree climbing, we went to arm wrestling where I immediately lost to an absolute specimen of a man named Sam. I then left in shame with my throuple and headed to the absolute fashion icon Fred’s workshop on aesthetics where we talked about societal pressure to conform to gender norms and fashion trends and how to step out of them and be yourself. We then fawned over a camper named Alastair, who we simped for and got gender envy. “If I were to look like Alastair, maybe I would love myself.” After our in-depth conversation about Alastair, we had scrumptious tacos for lunch, and I accidentally ate way too much cheese. After lunch we went to a very informative workshop about anxiety and panic attacks.



Afterwards was the nighttime talent show which had many awesome talents including poem reading, songs, dancing, and a hot flexing show. After the talent show we hung out in the lodge until sleepy time, where we again slept in the field. Unfortunately, we left our sleeping mats out for hours so they were thoroughly soaked by the time we went to sleep. Overall our day was incredibly enjoyable and relaxing. As first year campers, we felt thoroughly accepted and loved exactly as we are.


Danny O (and Xsenia and Leo), campers


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