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Rob: Staff Arrival Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day -2)

Before camp starts each year, there are two days of Staff Orientation on site at Camp Myrtlewood, and some days before that, when the staff slowly trickle into Eugene by train, plane, or car to gather and reconnect. We do last minute prep and errands, work, play games, eat burritos…and then desserts (at Sweet Life in Eugene).

The transition from our other lives to ‘this parallel timeline’ begins then as we meet and start to come together into something greater than ourselves. It continues at staff orientation (on site at Myrtlewood) as we connect, or reconnect, with the people, and with this space. The field, the trees, the forest, the stream, and as we explore the things that remain the same, and the things that have changed.


We meet each other and re-meet each other. We learn songs, or pull familiar songs out of crevasses in our minds, where they have lived perhaps unseen since our last time here. Grace has us ponder what we might wish to strengthen in ourselves for this time, this session, and what we might choose to set aside.


Another piece of the magic is likely already happening around the country now as returning or new campers take long train or car drives across the country (sometimes from further), and reconstruct and invent anew what camp is, and will be, this year with each other en route. As more campers gather on arrival day, finding each other at the Eugene airport or train station and shyly (or confidently!) approaching known or suspected fellow campers. Or later, on the big yellow school buses. And as we all settle into the space in the coming days, From us all, the new and the old, the last pieces come into place and camp begins to be formed in full over the coming days.


The campers and staff mix together, meet and re-meet, pull out well worn old pieces of camp culture and shiny new gifts from other parts of our lives to share. Somehow, we all, campers and staff alike, become camp—the place and the community where we will learn and grow and play.


This year, I’m here in a completely new phase in my life. I’m not here as a camper (as I was 24 years ago), or in a staff role (as I was 5 years ago), but primarily as a Papa, and caregiver to my 1 year old son while my wife is here as an Advisor.


I’ve been so happy to take on this new role of parent in my home life, and have greatly anticipated getting to share camp with Francis. I’m so excited for him to be able to watch and learn from ~100 amazing and energetic young humans and all the staffers too. He will be soaking in the dancing, laughter, and music of this community (as well as in the creek!) for the next two weeks. I am so grateful for the cool shelter of this oasis of woods and community.


This is his first time here but, in a way, is a return to a home, or origin, for him as Margie and I first met here. Our family came to be because of how we met and saw each other in this place of openness and community that we love so deeply.


Thank you all (Grace, camp staff, campers, and parents) for doing so much and giving such love to this project for nearly three decades now.


With gratitude and love,


Rob A., Staff Support

Categorized: Updates from Camp