I’m Rose, I first came to camp last year, and this is now my 3rd session, having gone to Oregon last month.
I wake up to this view every morning at camp.

Today I was feeling a little tired so I laid back down for another minute. 30 minutes later, the breakfast bell rang and I jumped out of bed and had to scramble to get changed and walk down the hill to the lodge, whoops.
Our advisee combined with another advisee for the day, and we played a game as a big group. Of over 20 people who played, there were only two people who lost, I was one of them :/
During siesta some friends and I layed on mattresses to avoid the heat. Most of them fell asleep but two of us kept making jokes and trying to laugh as quietly as possible so as not to disturb the others.
I led a game of silent football as a workshop today. Silent football is neither silent, nor football, it is, however, a lot of fun. The game ended with an improv scene put on by five of the players. In the brief minute or two scene that played out, there was: murder accusations, a plot twist, a love triangle, murder, and marriage. It was great.
A bit later on, there was seeing and seen, a much heavier emotional event. The group I was a part of walked down to a very beautiful spot that I didn’t even know existed.

Once we were all circled up in front of the swing we were invited to come up and sit on the swing and share something that’s been on our mind lately. After the event a few people checked in on me, which felt very nice.
After dinner I had my work trade to do, which is washing dishes. Usually people’s plates are covered in food because they don’t scrape it off before leaving it, but today the plates were actually pretty clean, which made my job way easier.
I’d been excited for the angel walk all day, it’s one of my favorite events. Everybody lines up in two parallel lines facing each other, one person walks through with their eyes closed while everyone else guides them through the line and whispers compliments to them as they pass. Everyone had so many nice things to say, I think this was my favorite angel walk that I’ve been to.
Right after the angel walk we all walked down to the campfire, which was in a very pretty location by the lake, but also down a very big hill. Once we got to the bottom we realized nobody brought the ukulele, so I walked back up with another camper to get it.

The campfire was really nice, there were scary stories, bad jokes, shooting stars, and fun songs. It was much less fun having to walk back up the hill after it was done, but worth it.
I ended the day talking to a friend for a while before we realized it was 1am, so we said goodnight and I quietly made my way up another hill to my cabin, and went to bed.
Rose G.