I woke up at 8am for my morning work trade. its always so much fun, they treat us so well. They had me cut up mushrooms, and serve breakfast. I sat next to Alastar and Marley during check in, and we sang a nice song. They announced the second talent show, and prom for the next day. I was rather anxious during lunch and siesta due to going home as well as worrying about my other friends who are struggling at the moment. I sat with Leon and they helped me initially feel better, then Jane and Alastar came to sit with me after Leon left. Jane was so nice and sweet showering me with cuddles and hearing me vent. Alastar and I started making labels for his water bottle with frogs on it, named every frog with campers names. It really brightened my spirits. After a bit Jane walked me over to Forest Dell where we belly danced. It was a ton of fun, and comforting seeing people new to it as well trying it along with me for the first time. Grace is a wonderful teacher. I love learning about cultures, and I have been wanting to learn bellydancing for a really long time now. We had a wonderful dinner, Spaghetti! They feed us so well here. I spent the rest of my night watching the talent show and cuddling in forest dell. What a unexpectedly sweet day.