I started my day a little rough. It was only the second night I’d slept in the tent I’d set one up the day before because it’s so hot in the field already.
Today was the field trip day. It’s always one of my favorite days at camp as it feels like the longest rest day in the world. I didn’t go on the trip and I don’t ever plan to. Not that it isn’t fun but I love spending the day hanging back laughing in the kitchen with the staff and talking to campers I was always been too scared to talk to until they were the only people left.
It feels connecting the way you can build friendships in only a day and never want to leave their side again.
I hung out with my friend most of the day and after helping the kitchen staff with dishes and hanging out, we decided to shower in an attempt to wash the humidity off us. It didn’t work.

I almost ran to the lodge. I love the sun but it’s far to hot today. When we got to the lodge we hung out for a bit. My friend showed me how to play their ukulele a little better then before.
Somehow we found ourselves in the hammocks in the evening. At that point the only threats were the flies swarming my head rather then the heat and humidity. Before I knew it it’d been three hours and the buses were back people came and greeted us from the Tower of Hammocks we were laying in.
We ate dinner and had evening meeting. I don’t remember much of it but it was fun .
Tonight was the film festival and as much as I wanted to go, I didn’t. I laid in the lodge on the couches and sung songs that remind me of home. It was a nice day.
Elihu, camper
One comment on “Elihu: Field Trip Day, Camp Myrtlewood (Day 6)”
It’s wonderful to hear you’re enjoying camp. I look forward to your return, but not before you’ve had a few more adventures at Myrtlewood.
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