first proper day of camp! i welcomed the morning by waking up in the field, surrounded my friends, both old and new. the arrival day was a little rough, with my luggage being lost, but it was back by morning and i was ready to begin my day
i got dressed with some of the friends in the back of my cabin (myrtle) and chatted with some new campers in the restroom while i did my makeup.

this morning i got the pleasure of running the new camper orientation with my fellow culminators (folks who are graduating camp this year.) i would say we killed it! i always admired the culminati in my first years, and now i get to be a part of the group i always looked up to. i hope the newer campers enjoyed it as well.
advisee was beautiful as always! i have a lot of friends in my group this year, as well as having christian as my advisor, who i’ve always wanted to hang out with more. we played a lot of hotseat, a question game.
superhero’s were assigned today! i got the job of serving seconds for meals, which is my personal favorite. i love hanging out with the kitchen staff, and even some site staff! which are new this year, and i have been loving meeting them.

then came a surprise meeting for tomorrow’s event, bonding night. i did not originally sign up for the committee, but blake found me, and when he asks? i answer! bonding night is one of my favorite events. we changed the event a little this year, adding a few more deep questions, and a portion where we went in a circle, and told the person to our left something that we wanted to be told. complements, reassurances, and the like.
after that! i got the pleasure of finding out that my dearest friend natalie, and my brother kai had finally arrived at camp!! i was beyond thrilled to see two of my favorite people finally at camp. it really helped to make the space feel complete for me.

i spent the rest of my day playing around in the field! doing some introductory exercises with a massive group, before going to have a delicious dinner, and taking over my friend’s superhero, as he did not have close toed shoes yet! i had a blast just getting to chat with the kitchen staff for a little while longer.

as our evening event, we watched the staff talent show! it included a demonstration as to why we shouldn’t kick trees, musical expertise, jumping over a fully grown man, and belly dancing!
as always, it was wonderful to see how talented our wonderful staff is, and i love to see how it evolves as the years go on.
i ended the night in the middle of a group of my friends, sleeping in the field while we watched the most insane shooting stars i had ever seen.
i’m finally home.