Hi, I’m Jane, I’m 16 and it’s my first year at NBTSC. So far it is such a fun experience. Today, day 9, my day started with wake-up call and breakfast with friends by the swings. Then at 10:15 we went to check-in and morning meeting.
Then I had my advisee meeting, and my advisee group plotted a (kind) kidnapping of one of the staff—tomorrow we are going to silently kidnap one of the mama bears and take her to a spot to have a nap and then hug her when she leaves.
After advisee there was the first workshop slot, and I went to a suicide prevention workshop led by the staffer Nathan. It was very informative and I learned a lot.

Lunch was next after workshop one. It was salad and good bread. Then me and a couple friends sat by the creek and talked, and saw many crayfish and got covered in sand.
During siesta I made some resin jewelry and had a good talk with a staffer, and then later I dropped my resin jewelry in the dirt (yay!). I save a bit of it though.
After siesta I went to a literature discussion workshop and talked about books. I was kinda tired during the workshop, so I didn’t pick up much, but here is a list of some of the books people recommended:
The Haunting of Hill House
The Left Hand of Darkness
Station Eleven
The Eighth Life
Life After Life

Next there was a partner dancing workshop that I went to. There have been two other partner dancing workshops that I’ve gone to, and this one was an extention of those. It was very fun (we learned how to do dips).
Then I went to evening check-in and community meeting. It was nice and short (the shortest we’ve had all session).
I had dinner after that, curry and veggies, and then had a quick nap and went to set up for the art show and entered a painting. Everyone’s art was so beautiful, and Clara’s long Furby was immaculate.

Then I hung out and talked with some people in the field, and went to bed around 12. That was was pretty much my day! It was busy but good.