I woke up this morning around 8:30am in my cozy spot in the staff tent “cul de sac” to the sound of the resident Myrtlewood site staff dog Baloo telling a story in woofs. I much prefer a nice canine alarm clock to my digital one!
9:30am was breakfast, which included a killer bowl of oatmeal (banana, brown sugar, Greek yogurt, oh my!) followed by a morning staff meeting.
Next, Kieran, Skye and I did some inventory of all the camp merch, and made some camp signs, where we discovered that architecture major Skye is basically a human ruler!
Lunch involved a few more meetings, along with some falafel that was so good it inspired Vick to very kindly get everyone at my table seconds.
After lunch came a few more meetings (seeing a trend? 😉 ) which were supplemented by the passing out of staff shirts and the sharing of sour patch kids via Blake.
I boot-scooted off to the kitchen around 4:15pm for dinner prep, and spent a few hours chopping, slicing, and peeling (99% vegetables, 1% my pinkie finger, which required its own bandage/sterilization adventure…) and generally lending a small hand in the conception of a wonderful sweet potato soup courtesy of Reid and the rest of the kitchen crew.
After dinner, I found myself on a lovely walk with Milla and Will, dodging mosquitos and discussing ideal superpowers.
I had one last meeting with Christian and the Jr. Staff crew before working on a few more signs while Skye put together the fabled clothespins for in-session communication/gift giving/general niceness-sharing purposes among campers.
After that, I had a sweet visit in Forest Dell with Andy, Ani, Kieran, Natalie, and Dandy.
I am now finishing up writing this blog post at just past midnight in the soft quiet and comfort of a deserted Forest Dell. I have a full stomach, tired feet, a very slightly tattered pinky finger, and a mind all atwitter with anticipation for the arrival of all the campers tomorrow afternoon!