Hey ho, it’s the first day of NBTSC staff training!
We’re doing it again, after three long years!
What a morning, what a day!
Waking on Grace’s back porch, sunlight tap dancing on eyelids

Off to the coffeeshop I go, taking care of personal business
Also to read my sacred staff handbook
The guide to all that is holy and true
(Have you—ahem—read your camper handbook?)

Bringing home the bagels
Oh joy, more staff are here!
A Dandy and an Andy,
A Will and a Moyer

We packrats pack
This U-Haul to its brim
Camping gear and sound systems
Directories and dreams

Off we go, me and Moyer to Myrtlewood
With a few early-arriving campers in tow
I-5 to 42, follow signs to Coos Bay
It’s all the same, it’s all different

Hugs and tents
Meeting and dinner
Creeks and trees
And maybe another meeting

We have arrived.
It has begun.
–Blake Boles