My first interaction with campers this session was in the airport in Burlington, Vermont. My brother and I were waiting for our luggage when several campers we recognized joined us. It turns out that they had been there for a few hours already, and we were the last ones there. Thus, as soon as we had claimed our bags, we all headed for the van that would drive us the final two hours to the wonderful world that is camp.
The drive was fun – talking and laughing and reminiscing abounded – but it was as we turned the corner onto Farm and Wilderness Road that I felt the jolt of pure excitement that always hits me at the beginning of camp. I scrambled out of my seat as soon as the door opened, and was hurrying across the road nearly as soon as I got my bags in hand.
To put my stuff away I had to learn a different path to my cabin, since I’m in a different cabin than

my past two years! I did know where my new cabin was, having walked past it many times before, so it wasn’t too tricky. When I arrived there was only one bed available, so that’s where I’m sleeping! It’s a top bunk, tucked right up near the ceiling so that I can’t even sit up at one end. Despite that, it turned out to be quite comfortable once I figured out the proper position for sleeping there!
A few short minutes after I returned to the field, the bell rang to signal the true start of camp. We circled up and got right into it, with welcomes, introductions, songs, and games. Then we divided into our advisee groups and went to sit down, eat dinner (a spectacular macaroni and cheese!) and get to know each other. It was a great beginning to camp.
After advisee time was opening ceremony, where we did more singing and shared intentions of various forms that people have for the session. When the ceremony ended, it took the structured portion of the evening with it, but the fun didn’t stop. Rotating groups of people played games for another hour or so, and everyone was talking together.
I was very tired and intended to go to bed around 10, but instead stayed up talking with a friend on the porch until after 11:30. It got very chilly, and I was downright cold by the time I headed down the wonderfully dark road to my cabin. I barely changed, wanting to just crawl into bed and warm up. It took several layers and a good half hour, but I did both warm up and fall asleep, listening to the sounds of the woods and the blissful, blissful silence surrounding them.
I’m going to end this blog post with a few words I wrote before bed. They really sum up how I was and still am feeling about being at camp.
“It’s six minutes to midnight, I can’t feel my fingers or toes, and I’m freezing all over, but I feel at home.”
Let’s get this session going. I’m ready