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Renee: Day 12 (Camp Myrtlewood, Oregon)

Written by Renee (camper)

You’re both on the same page. Now turn it.”

Sometimes life throws difficult stuff at you. Day 12 helped us all realize that the only solution to your problems is to talk through them. I had a nice lunch (soup and cornbread!!!) and afterward J hosted a small tea tasting on the tea stump. It was honestly the most relaxing experience I think I’ve had all session. After that a few of us hiked up to Vista Point and there were so many people up there. I think everyone realized that it was the second to last day and decided they had to go. I mean, that’s what my motivation was. By the time we got back, it was exactly one minute until dinner. Everyone in our group was stressing out about how we weren’t going to make it back in time, but I just had a feeling we would.

Dinner was delicious as always, and after check-in and meeting a bunch of people played Murder In The Dark in the lodge. 39 people showed up and Christian taught us all how to play and facilitated. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Anyways, I’ve learned that 39 people plus big dark room equals: extreme fun. After that I played a very chaotic game of hide and seek in the dark and then a little group of us went into the lodge and just talked until one in the morning. I think we all needed that, just a chill, figuring-stuff-out session. When the lodge closed we decided to sleep in the field. We gathered our stuff and plopped down right near the middle, then we all talked for another good hour probably (Dandy only shushed us once!) before we fell asleep.

You know what they say, rest days are the best days. <3

Categorized: Updates from Camp